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Software Engineering


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Andrew Watkins
(440) 826-2396,



The fast-paced, innovative career field of software engineering offers outstanding opportunities to apply creativity and strategic thinking to complex technology needs that increase productivity, 改进系统,为组织的成功做出贡献.

BW's software engineering major is a rigorous program combining comprehensive coursework and labs.

与领先的软件公司合作开发, the program teaches you the mechanics of effective software engineering­-programming, computer applications, 数学与数据库技术. 你将学习如何设计、分析和维护软件.

The program provides a strong foundation for addressing current technologies as well as adapting to emerging ones.

A required internship provides real-world experience and resume-enhancing benefits. BW's proximity to Cleveland puts you within a 20-minute drive to outstanding opportunities.

同样令人印象深刻的是需要两个学期的顶点经验. 与小团队合作, 你将学会分析, design, develop, 测试和维护大型软件系统. The projects are mostly from industry partners and give students the opportunity to work on real-world problems. 你将运用战略思维, creative brainstorming and problem-solving skills to tackling complex engineering principles.

Software Engineering Software Engineering Software Engineering

Career Opportunities

  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Architect
  • 应用程序/系统/ Web开发人员
  • 计算机系统分析员
  • 数据库管理员
  • Quality Assurance
  • Technical Consulting
  • IT Project Manager
  • 技术业务分析师
Employment in software engineering is projected to grow 24 percent from 2016 to 2026.


Software engineers are employed in industrial, scientific, technical and educational settings. 从2016年到2026年,该行业预计将增长24%. For local residents, Cleveland is one of the fastest growing technology regions in the nation.

Combined BS/MBA

An optional five-year BS/MBA program combines a computer science major with a minor in business administration and an MBA degree. This program prepares graduates for positions in computer and information systems management that require a strong technical background, good communication skills and in-depth understanding of the business world.

Expand Your Studies

Students interested in the software engineering major may also be interested in computer science and cybersecurity analyst.


作为主修和辅修科目提供的, software engineering prepares you for immediate employment and graduate programs.

The common core of all the programs in BW's computer science department includes programming and problem solving, 以及接触数学, computer architecture, 范式和理论是计算学科的基础.

In addition, 软件工程专业的学生选修必修课, testing and project management courses to better understand the full software development life cycle. A highlight of BW's software engineering program is the capstone project where students complete a two-semester, 客户端基于团队的软件工程欧博allbet. Software engineering students also complete at least one summer internship.


  • 运用数学、科学和工程知识
  • Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • 多学科团队的职能
  • 识别,制定和解决工程问题
  • 理解职业和道德责任
  • 有效沟通
  • 了解工程解决方案在全球范围内的影响, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • 认识到终身学习的必要性和能力
  • 获得当代问题的知识
  • Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions, requirements for the major and additional information can be found in the University Catalog.


Small class sizes, individual attention and faculty mentoring are at the core of BW's computer science program.

Experiential learning bridges classroom study with real-world opportunities. 你可以通过实习加强你的学习, 课外活动和其他学习机会包括:


BW's 20-minute proximity to Cleveland puts you within easy access to technology firms, corporations, 政府机构和非营利组织. 学生们通常在他们的学术生涯早期就获得实习机会, 有时会在大一之后的夏天. 大多数学生在毕业前都有多次实习经历.


BW's User Experience (UX) Research Lab provides experiences for computing students to learn about research and testing that is critical for the success of today's software applications and websites. 使用包括观察在内的各种研究方法, interviews, 点击流分析和眼球追踪, 用户体验研究人员帮助揭示用户的感受, 思考和使用技术. Internal and external clients provide projects for BW's UX student researchers to evaluate.



Independent study offers students enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom for individualized and advanced study. 学生与一名教师一对一学习.


除了基于课程的研究机会, students can get involved with ongoing research through the Faculty Student Collaborative program.


The 选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 is open to Ohio residents who are entering Baldwin Wallace in the fall as a first-year student or transfer student and are interested in software engineering. Students are eligible to apply to the program which also offers the Choose Ohio First scholarship, 授予实质性年度奖励, 可再生的奖学金.


个人和职业回报, student organizations and activities foster skills in leadership and teamwork. 机遇包括:

ACM Student Chapter

这是美国计算机协会的特许学生分会, 世界上最大的教育和科学计算学会. This computer club sponsors an annual High School Programming Competition each April at Baldwin Wallace, 主持演讲并组织一些社交活动, 包括局域网聚会等等.

ACM-W Student Chapter

这是ACM的特许学生分会,专注于多样性, 公平和包容欢迎每个人加入我们的行业. This computer club sponsors Java Hangouts and other events to create a comfortable and supportive computing community for all.

Programming Team

Student teams compete in several intercollegiate programming contests each year.

Cyber Defense Team

这个组织由对网络问题感兴趣的学生组成. They meet regularly with a faculty member to discuss topics of interest and work on special projects related to computer networks. Members of this group compete in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.

Student Achievements

Software engineering students are regularly recognized for their achievements. The UPE National Computer Science Honorary is a national organization for juniors and seniors who have excelled in their computer studies.


  • The Anthony and Patricia Lauria Scholarship in Computer Science and Information Systems (in honor of Dr. Anthony Lauria, 1984-2002年数学和计算机科学教授, 和Patricia Kirby Lauria '91).
  • 查尔斯和埃尔西·利特尔奖学金(纪念查尔斯·利特尔博士的父母). 理查德·利特尔(1975-2013年数学教授).
  • 路博润计算奖(由路博润基金会资助).
  • 杰出计算机学生奖(纪念Kenneth Weiss, Jr .. 曾在BW任教(1972-2010).
  • Outstanding Senior Awards, which recognize a student in each of the computing majors.
  • 沙利文/施密特计算机奖(为了纪念克里斯·沙利文, 谁是管理人员/兼职教员, and his grandparents).

The opportunity to experience another culture and gain an international perspective is invaluable to your professional development and will add to your career options. Benefits include:

  • 从国际视角理解计算机问题
  • 拓展跨文化沟通和解决问题的能力
  • 为日益多样化和国际化的工作场所做好准备
  • 拓宽学术视野
  • 提高语言技能(尽管大多数课程都是用英语授课)
  • 体验不同的文化
  • 建立国际联系网络


Baldwin Wallace has long championed the success of its students. Evidence of this can be seen in the extraordinary achievements of its alumni spread throughout the United States and the world.

Gavin Lynch '22, Software Engineer, ObjectSecurity
Jacob Beaton '22, Quality Assurance, Sherwin-Williams
Cristalle Ganter '22, Technical Consultant, Salesforce
James Macre '22, Technical Consultant, Salesforce

Daniel Eierman '21, IT Project Manager, Naviant

Jefferey Borovac '21, Software Engineer, KeyBank

Jake Thornberry '21, Software Engineer, IEC Infrared Systems
Katie Kaiser '21, Software Developer, Qwickly

Julio Mirelez-Norena '21, Software Engineer, L Brands Retail
Amari Sewell '21, Technical Consultant, Salesforce

Ian Walton '20, Software Developer, AWH

Edward Sternad '20, Validation Engineer, Medpace

Nicolas Berry '20, Technical Consultant, Salesforce

Zachary Egler '20, Software Engineer, Elite Business Solutions
Noah Justham '20, Software Developer, Reserve Management Group


Navneet Grant

Assistant Professor

Navneet Grant

Brian Krupp

Associate Professor

Brian Krupp

Andrew Watkins


Andrew Watkins

Full-Time Faculty

Andrew Watkins

Kenneth Atchinson
Associate Professor

Navneet Grant
Assistant Professor


Brian Krupp
Associate Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Lynda Carter

Nik Molley

Susan M. Skowronski
M.S., University of Akron

Michele Snell