

八名BW学生获得了每年颁发给STEM专业的竞争性奖学金, 包括有抱负的数学和科学教师.


鲍德温华莱士大学的五名学生 科学与工程学院 还有三个来自 教育与健康科学学院 获得我校2024-2025年本科、大三、大四奖学金 美国国家航空航天局/俄亥俄太空资助联盟 (OSGC).

OSGC是 国家空间资助学院和奖学金计划 格兰特(空间), funded by Congress and administered through the Office of Education at NASA Headquarters. Space Grant consists of a national network of colleges and universities that work to support science, technology, 工程数学(STEM)教育, 包括STEM专业的竞争性奖学金.



摩根Briley布里利是一名初级儿童早期教育专业的学生 教师教育 program. 与 Dr. 布Siether, Briley plans to create a classroom lesson focused on investigating the sun and the energy it produces for the Earth. 这门课的对象是6到8岁的学生.

在这节课中, Briley's class will observe the sun using images from NASA as well as employing NASA's vast educational resources to learn how energy is produced from the sun. Afterward, 他们将创建一个锚图来巩固他们的理解, 覆盖关键点,如太阳作为一颗恒星, 它在提供能量方面的重要作用, 热和光传送到地球, 以及它如何维持地球上的生命. Finally, the students will engage in a hands-on craft activity to summarize their learning regarding the sun's significance as a primary energy source.

This lesson, as a whole, 会促进动手学习和准确的视觉表现吗, 让学生了解太阳在日常生活中的重要性.


Kiki德国宝得Burkert is a rising junior dual primary and intervention specialist major in Baldwin Wallace's 教师教育 program. 为了她的奖学金欧博allbet, Burkert authored a science lesson plan for a third-grade class about identifying states of matter. 

课程计划使用俄亥俄州立学习标准, 以及NASA提供的资源, to facilitate activities and demonstrations of the three main states of matter: solids, 液体和气体.

Burkert has plans to teach the lesson plan during her school field placement in an upcoming semester.  


Julie Dunlap邓拉普是一名即将升入高年级的学生 神经科学 少校谁,在合作 Dr. 克莱尔数学, plans to investigate whether "systemic ethanol administration induces neural activity in brain regions of female rats differently than it does in male rats."

This study began with a review of literature in a BW Faculty-Student Collaborative course in fall 2023. 因为他们回顾的大多数研究都集中在雄性大鼠身上, this project's goal was to determine if alcohol affects female rats differently than males. Having already assessed the data qualitatively, they now will use software to quantify it.

Highlighting the neurological effect that alcohol has on each sex could lead to a more effective understanding of and treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. The current experiment may also be used as preliminary research for future studies in the behavioral 神经科学 lab at BW that will focus specifically on female rats.


马里奥Escobar埃斯科瓦尔是一名冉冉升起的大三学生 神经科学 在谁的指导下 Dr. 克莱尔数学, plans to investigate the impacts of an unhealthy diet high in fat and sugar on the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through a rat model.

高饱和脂肪的饮食, 比如西方饮食, 与脑部炎症有关吗, 这种影响可能部分由肠脑轴介导, 消化系统和大脑之间的沟通通道. Escobar will design and conduct a behavioral 神经科学 experiment measuring the influence of diet on neuroinflammation.

This project is important to behavioral 神经科学 because the connection between mental disorders and physiological dysfunction and the immune system and brain is becoming more evident and may be involved in the development of ADHD. Observing how diet impacts neuroinflammation and behavioral presentation in a rat model can reveal how dietary choices in early life influence the health and development of the brain. This translates into the potential development of strategies for managing ADHD through diet-based interventions.


葛丽塔Graffius格拉菲乌斯是一名大三学生 幼儿教育 少校谁,在合作 Dr. 布Seither, plans to incorporate NASA materials into a lesson for fourth-grade students to promote STEM education in the elementary classroom and the many resources available for teachers.

NASA offers many excellent resources for students in the K-12 classroom to explore and engage with STEM concepts. 在这节课中, 学生将探索水在地球大气层中的运动, 特别是大气河流及其与天气的关系. 教练会播放视频。”来自地球系统模型的大气河的三维视图,来自NASA网站.

Finally, the students will analyze the impact of the weather produced on common landforms found on the Earth and be introduced to concepts of erosion through a hands-on activity.


悉尼米勒Dr. 克莱尔数学米勒(Miller)是一名即将升入大三的学生 神经科学她正在研究酒精如何影响雄性和雌性大鼠的大脑奖励区.

Previous work focused on sex differences in alcohol-induced brain activity when alcohol was injected systemically; now, their project will focus on studying alcohol-induced brain activity when alcohol is injected directly into the brain. This will allow the quantification of sex differences restricted to brain processing rather than confounded by sex differences in how the body processes alcohol. 

他们的研究, 这篇文章探究了与奖励相关的行为的神经基础, 比如上瘾, 难道不只是学术上的重要吗. 它也给社会带来了实际的好处, enhancing our understanding of these behaviors and potentially leading to more effective interventions. 米勒将通过回顾现有文献来开始这条研究路线. 然后她将综合这些信息, 提出一项新的研究, 并报机构动物爱护利用委员会批准.


cae莱斯勒雷斯勒是大三学生 engineering major who, 与Paul Penko教授合作, 计划设计, construct, optimize and test a working fuel cell utilizing naturally occurring bacteria to produce useful electrical power.

这个欧博allbet对未来的可再生能源有实际应用价值. In the world today, a sustainable alternative energy source is becoming increasingly necessary.

The application of a bacterial fuel cell would take advantage of readily available renewable energy from the environment, using bacteria harnessed from sewage treatment plants or ponds to harness useful energy. 运用工程设计过程, this concept could one day be scaled up to charge a cell phone or even provide electricity on Mars. 


贾斯汀VerhosekVerhosek是一名大三学生 计算机科学 哲学双学位. 今年夏天,在他的指导下 Dr. Brian Krupp, he plans to further his research into LoRa (long-range radio waves) networks and how they can be used as a substitute for Wi-Fi in air quality monitoring sensors.

These sensors are being developed to empower the community by supplying greater access to and understanding of air quality data.

与这些目标一致, the LoRa networks that Verhosek will be studying will allow for more flexibility in where these air quality sensors can be deployed while also decreasing their cost and power consumption, 使它们更易于访问.


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